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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Growing Wheatgrass

What you will need:

  1. Wide-Mouth Mason Jar (the bigger the better)
  2. Black Trays w/slots
  3. Black Trays w/out slots
  4. Organic Hard Red Winter wheat Berries (actually seeds)
  5. Sprout Toppers
  6. Organic Soil
Step 1. Soak 1 1/2 cups of seed in water for 16-24 hours (this yields approx 8-10oz of juice)
Step 2. Rinse 2-3 times a day until little "tails" start to grow
Step 3. Fill slotted black tray half way with organic soil
Step 4. Place several rocks in the tray with no holes
Step 5. Put the slotted tray into the other tray with rocks in it
Step 6.  Place the seeds that have started the tail on top of soil (do not cover w/soil)
Step 7. Water the tray until you can hear the water draining to the bottom tray
Step 8. Cover with dark plastic or a dark cloth (for three days)
Step 9. Water generously everyday in the morning and mist at night
Step 10. After three days uncover the grass. (grass color will be a yellowish color)
Step 11. Continue to water and mist until the grass blade splits.
Step 12. One blade has split Harvest the entire tray and place into a plastic bag
Step 13. Juice

Here are some pictures of my grass:

I cover my seeds for three days with an extra black tray but you can use anything dark. If mold starts to grow put a fan on your grass.

This grass has just been uncovered after three days in the dark
 This grass is ready to be harvested  because the blade has split

This is grass that I have harvested. Keeps up to 14 days in refrigerator

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